Get Global 2017-2019

As a new, premium show in the travel and tourism sector, Get Global needed to greet its attendees and stakeholders with a highly efficient and professional onsite registration service. Touchpoint provided this in 2017 and continued to do so for 2018 and 2019, complemented by exhibitor & attendee app solutions.


Get Global


July 2017, 2018 and 2019


ICC, Sydney

Years as proud partner and sponsor

Total check-ins and badges

Sqm exhibition space per year

World-first EventsAir feature launch

Our solution


Themed & customised name badges


Exhibitor portals & buyer/lead management


Staffed and self-service check-in stations


Attendee and organiser apps


Launch of EventsAir’s Bluetooth check-in

What the industry says

Get Global have won MEA’s Exhibition of the Year in both 2017 and 2018. With a highly discerning audience of fellow event organisers, Get Global needed to provide a superior offering for the single-day event. A partnership with Touchpoint allowed them to maximise the capability of the platform EventsAir and Touchpoint’s own operational experience.

Chris assisting an attendee at the kiosk
Boarding pass style name badge
Attendees enjoying the evening drinks & canapes
Attendees capturing one of the Expo’s entertainments


Hire and Rental Industry Association

MFAA National Roadshow

MEA National Conference

Touchpoint stacked logo

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